Monday, September 21, 2015


I was thinking about deleting the old posts on this blog because ........

They bring a lot of memories. And some of them were written involuntarily (read: 'meroyan' mode). Ha ha. I've deleted them and I just left a few that I wanted to keep. Hence, a fresh start (hopefully). 

This breakdown is not that severe, but shutting the memories away is not that easy as expected. I've faced difficulty sleeping these past few days. I think too much. But it will heal with time I guess. I just don't know when the hell the time will come. 

I am off. Good night. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

random places

Have you ever went through photos of random beautiful places and said "I have to come here one fine day"? Sometimes we don't even know where the hell is the place, in which country it is located. But we just fall in love with the photo(s). 

Well I did, often in fact. Tumblr always makes me imagine I am at those very places and taking a lot of pictures. Blame Tumblr for this. Ha ha. 

People say daydreaming is free :)

photo from here

Who knows we, somehow and by any mean will be at those places that we once dreamt about. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

look happy and be happy

"You look happy. Why are you happy?" he said.

How can I be happy when you are part of my happiness?  I am not happy with this, but I am trying my best to hide this sadness and be strong girl just like you asked. I am not happy, but the relief, I cannot even imagine by myself. I fought for you, hard. But the spark is not there anymore. 

Maybe it's time for us to start thinking about our future, our own path. 

"There comes a day when you realize turning the pages is the best feeling in the world - because you realize there's so much more than the pages you were stuck on". Found this on twitter. This is just so accurate with time. 

Moving on is never easy. It takes time, and a lot of patience to do that. And I am trying to.